Sunday, December 25, 2011

Students and Adults as Peers

In the traditional school model, teachers are authority figures. They have control over the child's education. They have control over the classroom. They have the power to discipline and the power to reward.

This model is simply contradictory to a democratic education. If we believe that all people have the ability to control the decisions to affect their lives, then we must believe that students are capable of controlling their own education.

In the democratic model, adults have no authority over students. There is no assumption that adults hold all knowledge (indeed, children are just as capable of dispensing information to others). Learning is student-facilitated and student-directed.

To live in a democratic society, we must rethink how teachers and students relate to each other.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Defining Democracy

Democracy: (n) Greek: dēmokratía; A government in which all citizens have control over the decisions that affect their lives.

We can vote for our local and state representatives.

But where is democracy to be found in our schools? How often are our children encouraged to take control over the decisions that will affect their lives? What they will learn, how they will learn it…

It's time to give the power back to our students.